Attach library functions to Signature
State Variables
non-compact ECDSA signatures are enforced as of OZ 4.7.3 Signature payload memory layout [000 .. 032) r bytes32 32 bytes [032 .. 064) s bytes32 32 bytes [064 .. 065) v uint8 1 byte
uint256 internal constant SIGNATURE_LENGTH = 65;
uint256 private constant OFFSET_R = 0;
uint256 private constant OFFSET_S = 32;
uint256 private constant OFFSET_V = 64;
Calldata memory layout [000 .. 004) selector bytes4 4 bytes Optional: N function arguments [004 .. 036) arg1 bytes32 32 bytes .. [AAA .. END) argN bytes32 32 bytes
uint256 internal constant SELECTOR_LENGTH = 4;
uint256 private constant OFFSET_SELECTOR = 0;
uint256 private constant OFFSET_ARGUMENTS = SELECTOR_LENGTH;
Constructs the signature payload from the given values.
Using ByteString.formatSignature({r: r, s: s, v: v}) will make sure that params are given in the right order.
function formatSignature(bytes32 r, bytes32 s, uint8 v) internal pure returns (bytes memory);
Returns a Signature view over for the given payload.
Will revert if the payload is not a signature.
function castToSignature(bytes memory payload) internal pure returns (Signature);
Casts a memory view to a Signature view.
Will revert if the memory view is not over a signature.
function castToSignature(MemView memView) internal pure returns (Signature);
Checks that a byte string is a signature
function isSignature(MemView memView) internal pure returns (bool);
Convenience shortcut for unwrapping a view.
function unwrap(Signature signature) internal pure returns (MemView);
Unpacks signature payload into (r, s, v) parameters.
Make sure to verify signature length with isSignature() beforehand.
function toRSV(Signature signature) internal pure returns (bytes32 r, bytes32 s, uint8 v);
Constructs the calldata with the modified arguments: the existing arguments are prepended with the arguments from the prefix.
calldata = abi.encodeWithSelector(foo.selector, d, e);
prefix = abi.encode(a, b, c);
are arguments of static type (i.e. not dynamically sized ones) Then:- Function will return abi.encodeWithSelector(foo.selector, a, c, c, d, e)
- Returned calldata will trigger
foo(a, b, c, d, e)
when used for a contract call. Note: for clarification as to what types are considered static, see*
function addPrefix(CallData callData, bytes memory prefix) internal view returns (bytes memory);
Name | Type | Description |
callData | CallData | Calldata that needs to be modified |
prefix | bytes | ABI-encoded arguments to use as the first arguments in the new calldata |
Name | Type | Description |
<none> | bytes | Modified calldata having prefix as the first arguments. |
Returns a CallData view over for the given payload.
Will revert if the memory view is not over a calldata.
function castToCallData(bytes memory payload) internal pure returns (CallData);
Casts a memory view to a CallData view.
Will revert if the memory view is not over a calldata.
function castToCallData(MemView memView) internal pure returns (CallData);
Checks that a byte string is a valid calldata, i.e. a function selector, followed by arbitrary amount of arguments.
function isCallData(MemView memView) internal pure returns (bool);
Convenience shortcut for unwrapping a view.
function unwrap(CallData callData) internal pure returns (MemView);
Returns callData's hash: a leaf to be inserted in the "Message mini-Merkle tree".
function leaf(CallData callData) internal pure returns (bytes32);
Returns amount of memory words (32 byte chunks) the function arguments occupy in the calldata.
This might differ from amount of arguments supplied, if any of the arguments
occupies more than one memory slot. It is true, however, that argument part of the payload
occupies exactly N words, even for dynamic types like bytes
function argumentWords(CallData callData) internal pure returns (uint256);
Returns selector for the provided calldata.
function callSelector(CallData callData) internal pure returns (bytes4);
Returns abi encoded arguments for the provided calldata.
function arguments(CallData callData) internal pure returns (MemView);
Checks if length is full amount of memory words (32 bytes).
function _fullWords(uint256 length) internal pure returns (bool);