Allows Inbox to open a Dispute between a Guard and a Notary, if they are both not in Dispute already.
Will revert if any of these is true:
- Caller is not Inbox.
- Guard or Notary is already in Dispute.
function openDispute(uint32 guardIndex, uint32 notaryIndex) external;
Name | Type | Description |
guardIndex | uint32 | Index of the Guard in the Agent Merkle Tree |
notaryIndex | uint32 | Index of the Notary in the Agent Merkle Tree |
Allows Inbox to slash an agent, if their fraud was proven.
Will revert if any of these is true:
- Caller is not Inbox.
- Domain doesn't match the saved agent domain.
function slashAgent(uint32 domain, address agent, address prover) external;
Name | Type | Description |
domain | uint32 | Domain where the Agent is active |
agent | address | Address of the Agent |
prover | address | Address that initially provided fraud proof |
Returns the latest known root of the Agent Merkle Tree.
function agentRoot() external view returns (bytes32);
Returns (flag, domain, index) for a given agent. See Structures.sol for details.
Will return AgentFlag.Fraudulent for agents that have been proven to commit fraud, but their status is not updated to Slashed yet.
function agentStatus(address agent) external view returns (AgentStatus memory);
Name | Type | Description |
agent | address | Agent address |
Name | Type | Description |
<none> | AgentStatus | Status for the given agent: (flag, domain, index). |
Returns agent address and their current status for a given agent index.
Will return empty values if agent with given index doesn't exist.
function getAgent(uint256 index) external view returns (address agent, AgentStatus memory status);
Name | Type | Description |
index | uint256 | Agent index in the Agent Merkle Tree |
Name | Type | Description |
agent | address | Agent address |
status | AgentStatus | Status for the given agent: (flag, domain, index) |
Returns the number of opened Disputes.
This includes the Disputes that have been resolved already.
function getDisputesAmount() external view returns (uint256);
Returns information about the dispute with the given index.
Will revert if dispute with given index hasn't been opened yet.
function getDispute(uint256 index)
returns (
address guard,
address notary,
address slashedAgent,
address fraudProver,
bytes memory reportPayload,
bytes memory reportSignature
Name | Type | Description |
index | uint256 | Dispute index |
Name | Type | Description |
guard | address | Address of the Guard in the Dispute |
notary | address | Address of the Notary in the Dispute |
slashedAgent | address | Address of the Agent who was slashed when Dispute was resolved |
fraudProver | address | Address who provided fraud proof to resolve the Dispute |
reportPayload | bytes | Raw payload with report data that led to the Dispute |
reportSignature | bytes | Guard signature for the report payload |
Returns the current Dispute status of a given agent. See Structures.sol for details.
Every returned value will be set to zero if agent was not slashed and is not in Dispute.
and disputePtr
will be set to zero if the agent was slashed without being in Dispute.
function disputeStatus(address agent)
returns (DisputeFlag flag, address rival, address fraudProver, uint256 disputePtr);
Name | Type | Description |
agent | address | Agent address |
Name | Type | Description |
flag | DisputeFlag | Flag describing the current Dispute status for the agent: None/Pending/Slashed |
rival | address | Address of the rival agent in the Dispute |
fraudProver | address | Address who provided fraud proof to resolve the Dispute |
disputePtr | uint256 | Index of the opened Dispute PLUS ONE. Zero if agent is not in Dispute. |